Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The election outcomes might not be worth celebrating

There were some surprises within the 2010 election results. There were some non-surprises too. The House of Representatives, for example, is now thoroughly shot through with Republicans. The Senate is nevertheless controlled by Democrats, however by fewer. The Tea Party Candidates had a mixed record. Congress, nevertheless, might be so deadlocked by party lines that it definitely won’t be able to do anything.

Election outcomes might backfire

Republicans may have majority within the House of Representatives. This is only if the 2010 election voting outcomes are correct. Granted, there is not anything intrinsically wrong with Republicans (or at least more wrong than what’s wrong with Democrats), but neither party is really cooperative. Some individuals call it standing on principle, which is billed as a good quality for officials, but it is a negative quality in a 4-year-old. Since neither party will work with each other, nothing will get done. Congress will end up in a deadlock. That is not really a good thing. It’s bad. It needs to be avoided. Individuals who are realistic have Sarah Palin on their backs which is bad for authorities.

It's not just here

A hung parliament is what occurred earlier this year in Good Britain. There is one description of a hung parliament. It’s when elections make it so the legislature has an equal number of representatives. Business ends up not being taken care of since no party had a majority. Tea Party people might say that’s a good thing, but the United Kingdom and each and every other parliamentary govt within the world tries to keep away from it like the plague or Randy Moss. Granted, there is something intended to be special and American about every little thing we do as a nation, but what is bad for everybody else is probably bad for us.

Precisely what it appears like

The Huffington Post reports that John Boehner realized that to "meet in the middle" with the president is good still although he will not do anything Obama wants. Officials without the ability to compromise aren’t friends to democracy.


Huffington Post


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